10 Years of Midgar Records

This summer, Casa Camper Berlin turned up the volume with an unforgettable event celebrating a decade of Berlin’s electronic powerhouse – Midgar Records. As 2024 marks their 10th anniversary, the label is not just looking back on a decade of game-changing beats, but stepping into a new era of acclaim and innovation.

The evening was a vibrant blend of creativity, bringing together friends, family, and the vibrant community surrounding Casa Camper Berlin, the label and its visionary founder, Jacopo Severitino. The scene was set with Anja Rohner’s striking ceramic lamps, each piece a sculptural work of art that bathed the night in a warm, organic glow.

Big thanks to Pietro from Parentesi for curating a mouthwatering plant-based vegan menu that delighted the senses, and to Ugo Lorocco for taking our bar to the next level with his extraordinary cocktails.

A massive shoutout to everyone who joined the celebration and made it a night to remember. 


Celebrating a Decade of Thought-Provoking and Genre-Defying

Casa Camper Happenings


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